Part 73: 10/10/09 - 10/17/09
There's only a scant few days left before the midterms. Probably won't be much to do in that timeframe, but we'll see!
Changing Seasons /

Can you feel Masamune Date's heart-rending sorrow as he made his decision!?

*sob* I wish I had lived in that era! I could have gone with Masamune Date!

...Huh? What's going to be on the exam next week? Who cares!?

The Sengoku era... the days when men were in their full glory!

This modern age is terrible! Are there no true samurai left!?

Now, let's review what we've learned about the Sengoku era. First: no era was ever as good. Second...
So, we definitely know for certain that Ono is here and around today. If we just run as quickly as we can to the Faculty Office...


When does Class F have their next lecture...?

Wh-What is it?

Ohhh, I get it. You brought me some cake, huh?

I'm not a fan of Mont Blanc, but I like all the other kinds.

...Err, that's not what I meant to say. Hey, you're here just in time!

I was about to go fill the class in on the section I forgot to explain in my last lecture.

If I don't do it, I'm gonna get a reprimand. It's tough being a teacher.

If I explain it to you right now, could you pass it on to everyone else?
Knowing what we know about Toriumi, this question has extra awkward all over it.


I felt someone staring at me...

That rotten Ekoda's somewhere around here... Dammit, I guess I'll have to do this myself.

*sigh* Well, I might as well practice the lecture on you.

I-I mean, we've already established you're not g0ing to give the lecture in my place, right?
Right, well, uh... we'll just be going then. Dangit Ono, and we don't get a chance to come back again until after midterms now!
When the Moon's Reaching Out Stars (Reincarnation) /
Way of Life -Deep Inside My Mind-

So I'll just let him do whatever it is he's doing.
That is, uh, a really terrible way to deal with this sorta thing.

M-Maybe I'll just keep checking her out a little while longer...
Remember, this particular NPC subplot is the one that gets carried through to be included in Persona 4 and 5 as well. Because, obviously.

More important, let's spend the rest of our afternoon with Maiko again.

It's, uh, just enough to enable us to get to Rank 10 next time at least.
Iwatodai Dorm

There's only one Shadow left... I have to admit that makes me a little nervous...

But we've come too far to lose, so make sure you're prepared.

Let's do it for him...

Yeah, I'm in good shape.

Tres bien! Keep up the good work.

But when I think about Shinjiro-senpai, I lose my concentration...

But, I will just have to do my best.

Well, I wish you luck on the midterms.
Narrator: More and more children today don't get the necessary exercise. This concludes our special report, on Sports Day.
Been a bit of a while since we took Koromaru out for a walk, huh? Well, we'll be doing that tonight for sure and I guess Ken can come too.

You're too fast, Koromaru... Stop running so fast...

My legs aren't long enough...


Um... I wanted to apologize...

For making so much trouble, and worrying everyone...

I... lost something important...

But I gained something at the same time...

That's why I think I'll be all right on my own now.

Thank you for having me along today...
> You spoke quietly with Ken...

Alright, this time I'm not going to lose! Let's go!
Iwatodai Dorm
Sunday means that we've got a Tanaka day! Got some new shoes available today, which we'll definitely pick up. Won't be usable until like next Saturday but hey.

I can't get over what happened to Shinjiro-san...
Huh, this seems... very familiar. Didn't we do this months ago...?

Don't tell me you've been out here the whole time...

You know, for it to be called a "break," you actually have to be doing something to take a break from.

Uh... We just happen to be taking our breaks at the same time, Senpai.
I don't remember if we've seen it before, but Fuuka's winter casual clothes are - by far - her best outfit. Not saying much, considering the rest of it, but at least it looks nice and genuinely comfy.

But, since it's the day before the midterms, I'll probably just study. I hope you'll do the same, Makoto-kun. Let's do our best on the exams.

How do you think she'll do, Makoto-san?

She'll do great.

I agree.

She might use her processor to answer all the questions correctly.

Since I have a human mind, my memory is similar to that of a human being's.

I will not be able to insert the data of an entire book into my memory system.

However, do not worry. I will still do my very best.
Huh, I guess that... sorta makes sense and is consistent enough with what we were told when she first appeared.

Anyway, hey, it's Sunday which means today is the one day of the week we can see Akinari. Remember him? I hope so.
Living With Determination


I honestly didn't expect you to come back.

Nobody treats me like a normal guy... not even my family.

I can tell by how they look at me. The pity in their eyes is unmistakeable.

I'm sorry, but...

I don't expect anyone to pity me.

Dying isn't so unusual, is it? What is there to gain by staying in this world for a long time, anyway?

I disagree.

So, are you afraid that my hopelessness might be contagious if you stick around much longer?
> Akinari smiled weakly.

You don't seem like everyone else.

I'm not sure I know how to describe it exactly, but...

You don't look down on me the way everyone else does...
> Akinari seems intrigued by you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

Dammit... What did I do to deserve this body?


...I hope we can meet again.
> You decided to go back to the dorm.
Iwatodai Dorm
N-No... Not the King For A Day two-parter, again! That was abysmal!

but then I decided not to.

If I keep living in the past, I'll never be able to move forward.
It's not stated outright, but Ken being Ken he clearly means like Naganaki Shrine or maybe Shinji's grave. Weird kid.

Last day of freedom before we lose the rest of the week to exams...

Plus, hey, it's a holiday so it... makes no difference, really.

Wait a minute... they must have taught us this when I was asleep! What a dirty trick!
> You hear Junpei hollering...
Nothing else of note in the dorm right now, unfortunately. That just means we'll head on out and go right to, uh.. well, you know.

Right to Maiko. Managed exactly as planned it seems!

Then the see-saw, Kick the Can, we can play 'em all!
> You played with Maiko for a while.

We played enough for you to remember me, right? ...Don't forget.

> Maiko seems sad, but she's smiling.

I'm leaving today...

I think that should go for friends like you and me, too.

So, I don't have to be sad.

...I think family is important.

Do you think I'll have a family of my own one day?

I bet you will.

I sure will!

So, um...

When I'm grown up...?
Remember, she's like 6 years old because she IS in elementary school.

Sure thing.

Really!? You promise!?

Keep this, okay? I... made it just for you.

...'Cause one day we'll be trading vows, right?
> Maiko is blushing.
> Apparently, Maiko just proposed to you.
The Path is Open
Attis is... really not very good, honestly. They were definitely better in vanilla but since FES boosted his level from 58 to 67 and made no other changes (other than adding +6 to all stats and upping level requirements for new skills by 9 as well), he uh... is really bad.
> Maiko kissed your cheek softly.

So... I'll see you!

You can't forget me, though!
Iwatodai Dorm

But as for me, I am more serious about what comes after the exams... the final battle.

I will fight with all my strength. ...We cannot lose.
At this point, yeah, exams are just a minor annoyance that sorta get in our way and rob us of a week. At least this one is very important for something later. Can snooze through it though.
Newscaster: For extra luck, try putting a flower on your door!
Nothing else at all tonight, and we couldn't even go to Tartarus if we wanted to since Fuuka's shut herself up in her room.

So, let's get these exams done then.
During the Exam...
As before, we'll just skip through this as quickly as we can.
It is still absurdly dumb that a question takes up an entire day, but whatever.
Zero electrical resistance
That just helps us get through it that much quicker, even though it does rob us of a week.
Coup of Meiou
Though I will grant that this one is at least a little bit more difficult to remember the answer to.
But, hey, that's all that matters and we've just got the last day.

And, bam, we've done it. Thanks to this we know we have at least the required level of Academics to be able to get 1st place. Provided we got all 4 other questions right (which I did, naturally)...
Changing Seasons /
More importantly, today we can Do Things again so right to the Faculty Office we go!

But if I consider the speed the train pulls into the station, three minutes might not be enough...

Oh yeah... I'm in charge of dinner tonight, so that's another 12 minutes to getting groceries...

I better compensate for the pressure ratio when mashing potatoes to avoid inefficnency...

If an average potato's diameter is about 12 centimeters, then that comes out to...

...Oh, forget it! Going home isn't worth the bother! I'm staying at school!

...You're looking for Mr. Ono?

Now that you mention it, I haven't seen that helmet lately... I mean, that teacher.

I don't have time to fritter away looking for him either, so try again later.

I'd never say so to Mr. Ono's face, because I'd never hear the end of it, but it's fine craftsmanship.

The curved line at the top... It's an ideal arc for absorbing impact.

An arc like that can absorb about 48% of the impact from above.

Then there's the material. It's not just a thick chunk of metal.

It's extremely thin metal, in fact, layered with finely-braided hemp for added practicality...
> Mr. Takenozuka's lecture goes on and on...

...So that explains that. See? Isn't it a wonderful specimen?

Hm? Its origin? I wouldn't know anything about that. Archaeological details don't interest me.
I think, maybe, we've gone through every single teacher at the school at this point. Maybe I'm forgetting one though... maybe even the Principal will decide to be here next time instead of Ono.

Anyway, let's see. I keep forgetting this guy even exists, so let's spend today with him. Just before that happens wholesale.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that, huh? I get to eat for free here.

Not just here, but any restaurant in the whole strip mall. They're all supporting me.

I'm the only one who can eat as much as I want, wherever I want. Cool, huh?

Someday, I'll pay them back for everything I owe.

But for now, I gotta keep letting those restaurant owners spoil me.

Someday I'll be famous, and then I'll be the one sponsoring them!

No pressure, huh?

Well, I'd be lying if I said there wasn't ANY.

But you gotta have some pressure to keep you motiviated, right?

What matters is how you deal with it.

By the way, who do you consider to be your biggest rival?

Myself, really.

...Hey, that's deep.

I guess when you get down to it, we're all our own worst enemies, right? You know it!
> Mamoru is pondering something.

There isn't really anyone left who I want to compete with...

The other guys in the club can't even keep up with me.

I guess what I'm looking for is a good challenge.

Hey, you should put more effort into the Kendo Team! We can both work together to reach our full potential.

I have this feeling we can drive each other to the limit!
> Mamoru recognizes your potential.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> After saying goodbye to Mamoru, you decided to head back to the dorm.
Iwatodai Dorm

Dude, wanna go to Tartarus today?

I'll think about it.

Awesome! I don't even wanna think about school anymore!
Although, we are nearly halfway to the full moon already. Hmm.

You did an excellent job on your exams.

You should all go out and enjoy the weekend.

But it seems like everyone has recovered surprisingly well. He must be smiling down on us from above.

I had a hard time remembering terms and equations...

which are usually no problem for me.

What about you, Makoto-kun? How did you do?

Pretty good.

Then you must have gotten a good grade.
I definitely will, when they're graded, yeah.

I feel completely relieved.


How could you be relieved knowing that the last operation is coming up soon?

You have a lotta guts...

I need to revise my workout program...

I'm not very happy with my current condition.

Are they difficult?

No, not really.

Really? Wow, that's good to hear...

Unfortunately, my examinations were not on these subjects.

Therefore, I do not think I did very well.

I'm goin' to hang out with Chidori!
Newscaster: They say the next Apathy Syndrome victims will begin to appear in one week.
I don't know why people are putting stock in these folks who've already been proven actively wrong at this point. The Lost from September are still all just hanging around...
Ah well, we've finished exams now so we'll stretch our legs and have some fun in Tartarus!

Yukari is absurdly strong, and about to get her final skill in Magarula. I'm seeing a bit of a pattern, huh. She's still strong, a great healer, etc. etc.

Junpei's pretty strong, has decent survivability, can buff everyone's defense. He's even already got a natural Counterstrike and can hit with every Phys element. He just seems to be having a bit of a problem as of late with using offensive skills, though, and his complete lack of AoE attacks is really apparent now.

Caesar brings with it a bunch of new things for Akihiko. His stats are completely unchanged from before, though he is now notably immune to Elec damage. Still weak to Ice, though, huh...?
That he can now also learn new skills is a good sign. That next is Matarunda is a bit understandable and also sorta disappointing, though.

Mitsuru's definitely looking lacking right now in comparison to Yukari. She's still pretty effective, and does have some very potent skills hidden behind that Mabufula. Eventually.

Aigis is a pretty okay tank and has nice buffs but not really great at damage, though. She DOES have the ability to do literally every Physical element, though, which only Junpei can do otherwise.

Koromaru is, well, Koromaru. He's not particularly effective at any one thing, and his SP is the worst in the game so he can't use that Maragion very often and that Mamudo is way too late to be useful if/when he gets it.
...On the other hand, he's Koromaru. I am well aware of this. 

Much like with Akihiko, Kala-Nemi brings for Ken an upgrade for his Expel resistance. A bunch of new skills as well, etc. etc. Stat-wise, he's pretty dang bad though, and is genuinely somehow worse than Koromaru at everything except Luck. Good job, Ken.
Y'all know the drill by now.
3 slots to fill. Who gets 'em? 
No restrictions, limits, mandatory deployments this time. Go nuts.